{title}, {parkingCity}
Address: | {address} |
Phone: | {phone} |
E-Mail: | {email} |
Internet: | {websiteLink} |
Opening hours: | {openingHours} |
Parking spaces: | {parkingSpaces} |
Tarife: | {tariffs} |
Entry height: | {height} |
Handicapped places: | {parkingSpacesDisabled} |
E-filling stations: | {parkingSpacesElectric} |
Reservation: | {reservation} |
Toiletten: | {toilets} |
Videoüberwachung: | {video_surveillance} |
Payment methods: | {prailPayment} |
Miscellaneous: | {other} |
All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to info_at_parking.ch!
Parking on the street or in a parking garage
Searching and finding parking spaces in street parking lots or parking garages is optimally recorded at parking.ch using modern technology. The parking fees vary according to the location of the parking space and the parking duration. The parking offer is continuously updated and modernized to meet the needs of motorists.