Parkhaus Chêne-Vert, Thônex

Rue de Genève 94 1226 Thônex

Address: Rue de Genève 94
1226 Thônex
Phone: +41 22 316 08 56
Opening hours: 7 / 24 Std.
Parking spaces: 77
Tarife: DAY
Monday - Friday 07h - 21h
15 min. free / 30 min. CHF 0.50
1h CHF 1.- / 1.5h CHF 2.-
2h CHF 3.- / 3h CHF 5.-
Entry height: 2.00 m
Handicapped places: Yes
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Toiletten: No
Videoüberwachung: No
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: No entry for gas-powered vehicles

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Thônex - from the Kingdom of Sardinia to Geneva

Thônex is located south-east of Geneva on the French border, which is formed here by the River Foron. The A411, a branch of the French A40 highway from Aix-les-Bains (A41) and elsewhere, ends in Thônex and is home to the Rolex watch factory and the Caran d'Ache colored pencil factory, both world-famous Swiss brands.

Parking in Thônex is convenient by car in a parking lot, parking garage or on-street parking. Street parking is usually only available for a limited time. You can easily choose a parking garage with free parking spaces or a public street parking lot on our map. The website shows you the route planner from Google to secure parking. You can pay for parking at parking meters or by card.

The two blue P's on the map show you where your street parking lot or parking garage is - and the route planner will guide you there...