{title}, {parkingCity}
Address: | {address} |
Phone: | {phone} |
E-Mail: | {email} |
Internet: | {websiteLink} |
Opening hours: | {openingHours} |
Parking spaces: | {parkingSpaces} |
Tarife: | {tariffs} |
Entry height: | {height} |
Handicapped places: | {parkingSpacesDisabled} |
E-filling stations: | {parkingSpacesElectric} |
Reservation: | {reservation} |
Payment methods: | {prailPayment} |
Miscellaneous: | {other} |
All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to info_at_parking.ch!
Münchenstein - versatile location
More than 900 companies - from small businesses to international corporations - have chosen Münchenstein as their business location. Together, they provide well over 10,000 jobs. Münchenstein companies benefit from the location in the border triangle, the ideal traffic situation for rail and road as well as the immediate proximity to the city of Basel.
Parking in Münchenstein is permitted on all white parking spaces. Parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards.
We show you where your parking is - and we guide you there...