{title}, {parkingCity}
Address: | {address} |
Phone: | {phone} |
E-Mail: | {email} |
Internet: | {websiteLink} |
Opening hours: | {openingHours} |
Parking spaces: | {parkingSpaces} |
Tarife: | {tariffs} |
Entry height: | {height} |
Handicapped places: | {parkingSpacesDisabled} |
E-filling stations: | {parkingSpacesElectric} |
Reservation: | {reservation} |
Payment methods: | {prailPayment} |
Miscellaneous: | {other} |
All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to info_at_parking.ch!
Männedorf - highlights on the doorstep
Männedorf is located on the right bank of Lake Zurich - the so-called Gold Coast. The prosperous village belongs to the district of Meilen in the canton of Zurich. Water sports, hiking and biking, everything is possible. The cultural circle brings artistic events of high quality to the village.
Parking on a street parking lot or parking in a parking garage is communicated in Männedorf. You can see the parking fees, the opening hours or the parking duration on the parking ticket machines on site. Parking in Männedorf is allowed on all white parking spaces. The parking fees and payment options are listed. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards, which you can get on site.
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