{title}, {parkingCity}
Address: | {address} |
Phone: | {phone} |
E-Mail: | {email} |
Internet: | {websiteLink} |
Opening hours: | {openingHours} |
Parking spaces: | {parkingSpaces} |
Tarife: | {tariffs} |
Entry height: | {height} |
Handicapped places: | {parkingSpacesDisabled} |
E-filling stations: | {parkingSpacesElectric} |
Reservation: | {reservation} |
Payment methods: | {prailPayment} |
Miscellaneous: | {other} |
All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to info_at_parking.ch!
Leukerbad - source of happiness
The breathtaking mountain scenery in Leukerbad offers an incomparable nature experience while hiking, biking and climbing and invites you to a soothing thermal bath. The treasures of nature - the mountain air, the thermal water and the unique panorama - together with our wide range of wellness and beauty offers provide you with the whole feel-good package.
Parking in Leukerbad is permitted on all white parking spaces. Parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards.
We show you where your parking is - and we guide you there...