Parking Wankdorf 1 / 2 / 3, Bern

Beundenfeld 3014 Bern

Address: Beundenfeld
3014 Bern
Opening hours: 7 / 24 Std.
Parking spaces: 430
Tarife: 1 hour / CHF 2.20
2 hours / CHF 4.40
Entry height:
Handicapped places: No
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Toiletten: No
Videoüberwachung: No
Payment methods:
Miscellaneous: Day tickets CHF 16.00 full day
Available from ticket machines

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Bern - History and Modernity

Einstein, Klee, Dürrenmatt - they all lived in Bern. They strolled through the arcades and enjoyed Bern's old town. Monumental buildings like the Federal Office, the Zytglogge and the charming alleys with their wonderful stores fascinate the locals as well as the visitors.


Parking on a street parking lot or parking in a parking garage is communicated in Bern. You can see the parking fees, the opening hours or the parking duration on the parking ticket machines on site. Parking in Bern is allowed on all white parking spaces. The parking fees and the payment options are listed. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards, which you can get on site.


The blue P on the map shows you where your parking is - and the route planner will guide you there...