{title}, {parkingCity}
Address: | {address} |
Phone: | {phone} |
E-Mail: | {email} |
Internet: | {websiteLink} |
Opening hours: | {openingHours} |
Parking spaces: | {parkingSpaces} |
Tarife: | {tariffs} |
Entry height: | {height} |
Handicapped places: | {parkingSpacesDisabled} |
E-filling stations: | {parkingSpacesElectric} |
Reservation: | {reservation} |
Payment methods: | {prailPayment} |
Miscellaneous: | {other} |
All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to info_at_parking.ch!
Aigle - place with history
Aigle is a political commune in the canton of Vaud with many places of interest, such as Aigle Castle, and is the capital of the Aigle district of the same name. The area has been settled since the late Bronze Age as well as in Roman times.
Parking in Aigle is allowed on all white parking fields. Parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards.
We show you where your parking is - and our route planner will guide you there...