Parking Manor/Jumbo, Affoltern am Albis

Alte Obfelderstrasse 19 8910 Affoltern am Albis

Address: Alte Obfelderstrasse 19
8910 Affoltern am Albis
Phone: 044 763 50 80
Opening hours: 08.00 Uhr - 20.00 Uhr / So geschlossen
Parking spaces: 58
Tarife: Parking meter
Entry height:
Handicapped places: No
E-filling stations: No
Reservation: No
Toiletten: No
Videoüberwachung: No
Payment methods:

All information without guarantee. Changes please mail to!

Affoltern am Albis - near the big cities

The place name Affoltern am Albis is of Celtic origin and means apple tree. The place is no longer like the former rural idyll with its 12,000 inhabitants. Today it lives with its sunny, central location between the metropolises of Zurich, Zug and Lucerne.


Parking in Affoltern am Albis is permitted on all white parking spaces. Parking fees and payment options are listed on site. For parking in the blue zone you need parking cards.


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